Can You 3D Print Without a Heated Bed? Tips & Tricks
Why pay more for your 3D printer to have a heated bed when you could save some money and get by not having one? If heated beds were really necessary, wouldn’t all 3D printers have one?
The truth is, if you plan to save money by buying a budget 3D printer, ruling out heated beds could be a good tactic. Though, you may be making your experience less pleasant.
It turns out that while you could 3D print without one, 3D printer heated beds are actually important to ensuring your 3D print goes smoothly. Without one, you’ll face a few issues that are mentioned below.
Why Do 3D Printers Have A Heated Bed?
3D printers have a heated bed for a few reasons:
- Models adhere to the build platform.
- Reduces warping of the bottom layers by keeping the filament warm.
- 3D print a variety of materials.
- Easily remove the project after printing.

Many 3D printers now come with a heated bed. They help with the 3D printing process so much that some people won’t 3D print without one.
I’m on the threshold of falling into that category myself.
How Does the Heated Bed Improve 3D Prints?
Heated beds prevent the base of models from cooling and losing its ‘stickiness’, making the model stationary on a single spot throughout the 3D print.
Some thermoplastics require good adhesion, so the heated bed will allow you to print many more materials. Whereas a cold plate usually limits you to PLA.
By keeping the base of the 3D print hot, the model becomes less prone to warping. If the model was allowed to warp, it could also negatively affect the rest of the model.
The Problem of 3D Printing Without A Heated Bed
My first test print with a 3D printer without a heated bed, the Anycubic Mega Zero, did not come out how I expected it to at all.
The SD card came with a model of an owl for testing purposes. Within 5 minutes, the base of the model snapped off on the platform and was stuck to the extruder. Not a great first experience…
On the second try, the model stuck but after the model was complete, I noticed that the bottom base of the model had warped over the course of the print.

I didn’t lose hope. I went online for solutions and found one that has been working for me. We’ll get to those tips later.
Cons of Heated Plates
Seeing all of the benefits, it seems like a no brainer to include the heated bed for all of your 3D prints. However, there are some negatives to consider.
The constant heating of the base of the model can cause expansion on the bottom layers. This can deform and reduce the accuracy of the model.
Furthermore, you’ll spend more time waiting for not only the extruder to heat up but the heated bed as well. It’s also another parameter that needs adjusting and testing to find the right settings.
3D Printing Without a Heated Bed
Can you 3D print without a heated bed?
Yes, it’s possible, but you won’t experience any of the benefits of having the heated plates. Moreover, you will mostly be limited to using PLA filament.
3D printing without a heated bed works fine but you may experience some problems, such as the 3D printed model not sticking to the print platform.
Don’t worry, here a few easy common fixes you can use.
Use Tape for Part Adhesion
Since the bottom of a model can’t be made to stick to the platform through heating, we can compensate by using a material that’s easy for the hot filament to stick to. This is the method I’ve opted for since it’s the (somewhat) least messy way to 3D print without a heated bed.
I have been using masking tape but it leaves a lot of residue on the plate, and it tears easily. If you can, use blue painter’s tape the get the job done neatly.

Kapton tape is supposed to be one of the best tapes to use as plastic sticks to it easily, and the cooled product can be pulled off easily without damaging the part or plate. However, it needs to be applied very carefully to avoid air bubbles.
Glue Stick or Hair Spray Treatment
Yes, very professional. Sarcasm aside, a quick search on online 3D Printing Communities shows that using a thin layer of glue stick or hairspray on your cold build plate is a common fix and can do wonders.
Keep The Build Plate Warm
If you live in a cold climate, you could experience even more problems without a heated bed. If possible, keep your 3D printer in the warmest room of your house.
To keep the 3D Printer build platform warm, consider buying a 3D printer with an enclosure, or construct one yourself. The enclosure will trap the heat, helping to maintain the build plate’s temperature.
Here’s a cool 3D printer enclosure plan from Instructables.
Design for Easy Model Removal from Tape
I’ve found that my 3D printed models easily stick to masking tape. I haven’t tested out blue painter’s tape yet, but if you have experience with it let me know in the comments.
To easily remove 3D models from masking tape without having the tape rip, forcing me to replace and waste tape, I design my parts differently.
By making the base narrow (seen in the image below) I reduce the surface area making contact with the tape. This makes the bond between the part and the tape much weaker.

The only problem I’ve encountered with doing this is that the bottom of the part is prone to warping.
While you can 3D print without a heated bed, I would recommend using a 3D printer that has one, as you will have the option to use it.
If you’re a beginner, then you will most likely start with 3D printing PLA; in which case, 3D printing without a heated bed should be fine for now. As long as you follow the tips, you should be fine.
Many budget 3D printers have a heated bed, so there’s no reason to start without one!